Teenagers used it as a complexion soap Automatic Foam soap dispenser to fight acne

Teenagers used it as a complexion soap Automatic Foam soap dispenser to fight acne

Adults and parents used it because they needed a strong deodorant soap. Teenagers used it as a complexion soap Automatic Foam soap dispenser to fight acne. Children used it to remove dirt, and toddlers used it to fight germs. These advertising campaigns are some of the most memorable for Safeguard. Everyone remembers the bar of soap shrinking down to about 10% of its size and everyone in the family complaining that safeguard was getting smaller and smaller because everyone was constantly using it making it "The Smallest Soap in the House."

The same is true today. Safeguard is still the smallest soap in the house. This is because when it comes to soap, Safeguard is well known as a top brand that can be used for the entire family due to its effectiveness and multiple uses. Safeguard is a cleansing soap product that can clean skin and rid the body of dirt and germs. Hand disinfection soap dispenser To provide extra antibacterial properties, Safeguard Antibacterial Soap contains Triclocarban (1. 2%), a proven antibacterial agent that is able to eliminate up to 99% of bacteria on the skin. In addition, Safeguard is a superior deodorant soap. As a deodorant soap, Safeguard has the ability to rid the body of unwanted odors while killing germs. As a moisturizing soap, Safeguard's moisturizing ingredients help prevent dry skin while cleaning. The unique bar shape of Safeguard is easy to grip and is lightly scented with a fresh, clean fragrance. The cleansing, deodorant, antibacterial, and moisturizing properties of Safeguard make it the perfect soap to be used by all members of the family.

Safeguard soap is also available as liquid soap. Just like the bar soap, Safeguard liquid soap cleanses, deodorizes, kills germs, and moisturizes as it cleans. Safeguard Liquid Hand Soap is often used in public restrooms due to its germ fighting ability and moisturizing ingredients. Dispensers for Safeguard Liquid Soap are available in various sizes and styles. They can be mounted in any restroom, kitchen, shower, or over any sink in the home or office. When clean hands are needed, Safeguard Liquid Soap is preferred for its quality as well as the economy of using a liquid soap product. There is little wasted product and it is a top choice for use in high traffic areas. Many schools, office buildings, restaurants, daycare centers, shopping malls, public facilities and other high traffic businesses select Safeguard Liquid Hand Soap for all their restrooms. It is the perfect alternative to safeguard bar soap for places where a bar soap is not ideal.

Safeguard Bar Soap and Safeguard Liquid Soap are very popular soaps. This is because of their quality and price. Order Safeguard Soap online along with other restroom and janitorial cleaning supplies, and get discount wholesale pricing. Fighting bacteria and germs through frequent and thorough hand washing is very effective in preventing germs and illnesses. Safeguard Soap, in either bar or liquid form, is great for home or office use. Try it and see why Safeguard is "The Smallest Soap in the House" even after almost 30 years!

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